Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Georgia House Speaker Glenn Richardson Resigns

Apparently it was no shock to anyone in the state that Georgia House Speaker Glenn Richardson has resigned. An attempted suicide attempt in November and his ex-wife going on tee-vee news last week in Atlanta saying that the Speaker had an affair with a lobbyist for Atlanta Gas Light made it nearly impossible for Richardson to continue as House Speaker. Richardson was the first Republican Speaker since Reconstruction and was once a star quality member of the Georgia GOP that was considered governor's material. A tasteful, journalistic account of the situation can be found here by the Gainesville Times.

Of course,  we all like a little schadenfreude and that can be delivered. Mad Dog over at Left on Lanier gives a good condensed version on his posting from December the 3rd. Gray on his posting on Left on Lanier that the will be very little ripple effect for the Georgia GOP over this. Erick at the Peach Pundit serves up a juicy posting about rumors swirling around Georgia's finest members of the GOP and how they may make out in all this turmoil.

I was on Facebook today and one of my Paulding friends was tagged in a photo on Glenn Richardson's fan page. There were around 30 comments from well wishers and folks praying for Richardson. Bless his heart. I, of course, will refrain this holiday season from talking about this matter at any of the cocktail parties up Ga Highway 92. It just wouldn't be polite, no matter how many times I have heard "I love you, but, not your politics" from folks up there. I am sure they are taking this hard.

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