Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Calling Out Hate Talk Regarding the Disaster in Haiti

It amazed me during the Katrina disaster how the insensitivity and the lack of humanity just bubbled up from the hearts of some people.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them." Barbara Bush regarding Katrina refugees in Houston. I can feel the love......

"When these Katrina so-called refugees were scattered about the country, it was just a glorified episode of putting out the garbage." Neal Boortz on victims of Katrina. But, this asshat never claimed to be sensitive. He just wants to keep selling advertising.

A few folks have taken up the ball on insensitivity and bigotry in the wake of disaster in Haiti. 

I could make a huge list of things written and said that is insensitive and just plain stupid, ignorant comments about the disaster in Haiti and its people.

Pat Robertson is there with a greatest hit. His "Deal with the Devil" comments takes this Talibangelical dipshit to new lows. Susie Madrak's post over at Crooks and Liars talks about Haiti's real deal with the devil in a historical context.

David Brook's drivel in the New York Times on January 14th is eloquently translated by Matt Taibbi at Truth/Slant.

And if you have Pat Buchanan scolding you for insensitive remarks about the disaster in Haiti, well then.......

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