Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I Joined a Credit Union Part 2: Move your Money Movement

I wrote an earlier post on closing my accounts at the "too-big-to-fail-bank" and moving to the credit union. I have talked to friends about this and two people I know have done this as well.

The Huffington Post is promoting a "Move Your Money" movement. Here is a posting with a video from Bill Maher regarding this populist movement.

You can find a credit union at this link.

Let's face it, "The Masters of the Universe" are only getting more powerful and using our tax money to stay in power and these clowns feel they "earned" all this by bringing the economy to its knees. These are not achievers or producers. They are crooks.

This is a movement that the Left and the Teabaggers can get together. Lord, I NEVER THOUGHT I would ever say anything like that.

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