Sunday, January 17, 2010

Coakley - Brown Race Tight

The special election race between Republican State Senator Scott Brown and Attorney General Martha Coakley seems to be in a dead heat. President Obama traveled to Massachusetts this Sunday to get the out the Democrats out to vote.

"The president made a direct appeal to independents who are trending away from the Democrat and sought to court voters angry over Wall Street abuses. He assailed GOP candidate Scott Brown, who downplayed his party affiliation during the campaign, as just another typical Republican who sides with special interests" according the AP.

The media has predicted gloom and doom for Coakley. Some polls are showing a four point lead for Coakley, but, a heavy turnout would help.Organizing for America (OFA) has sent over 3500 volunteers and Dem volunteers are jamming the Coakley headquarters.

Quite frankly, the need to save the Senate seat is obvious. The need to save this Senate seat from the health care reform industry handout is not so important. Between how a Cadillac health plan is defined (vision, dental and yearly cost) and the mandates I have really lost all interest. Really the bill should be killed. 

Oh, and BTW, Obama had no plans to go to Massachusetts until the shocking trends in the polls showed Brown gaining.  Maybe he just wanted to make sure the corporate whore Senator is his type of corporate whore.

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