Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Double Secret Senate Health Care Plan

I have been "Googling" all about the Senate HCR proposals and I can find few facts, but, piles and piles of speculation with opinion.

Here are what I think are some facts. There will be a Medicare buy-in for people 55 to 64. I am pretty sure this is in there. There is an option to buy into a national non-profit group overseen by the Office of Personnel Management. The details on this are sketchy. Reid's version would allow states to opt-out. This has been batted around all along. Senator Franken proposes an amendment setting mandatory loss ratios creating more competition. I didn't hear repealing exemption from anti-trust laws for insurers. Reproductive rights should stay intact.

Tonight is the big double secret meeting. Hopefully, this won't be a dress rehearsal for some kabuki theater.

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