Thursday, December 17, 2009

Joe Klien: Idiot

Dear Joe:

I know you are well insured, That is a fact. And I feel you missed your calling as a sports reporter. It is easy for you to say...... I read your post.

I am having a hard time here. What part of "moral" are you saying? I am not getting this. What you say?
It is my "moral" obligation to give to a for profit organization by gubmit mandate?? YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

The moral responsibility of individuals to buy in seems obvious as well: If you're 25 and healthy, and intentionally uninsured, you're asking the rest of us to pay your way when you have an accident and turn up in a hospital emergency room. Furthermore, if you're 25 and healthy, you won't always be. Someday you'll be 80 and frail--and you'll be looking to younger, healthier people to expand the pool and keep premium costs relatively low.

Hey, Dude, the plan does not involve any collective, gubmit program that can make that possible health "CARE" affordable that the people that need it the most..... We can't afford it now ..............

I hate you..... YUK

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