Friday, December 18, 2009

Kill the Bill: Outrage on the Left

The healthcare debate is exploding with outrage.

Taylor Marsh has a post that expressing outrage at the mandates for health care but no public exchange or option basically giving the Health Insurance Industry the monopoly. A video is included of Dylan Ratigan smacking down Rep. Wasserman-Schultz after she avoids any explanation why health insurance stocks are rising rapidly. Ratigan says it pretty plainly the fix is in and she is supporting it.

Marcy Wheeler has a post that the mandates for health care are "Neo - Feudalism." She suggests if this becomes law the health corporations will have an even stronger grip on our govermment just like the miltary contractors. Marcy's post pretty much sums it up: if this passes we will have no power to fix it.

Please check these posts out!

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